Lace Cable Vest, pullover, or cardigan
Designed by Judy Lamb
Materials: Knitting needles, sizes 6 and 9. Worsted weight yarn, off-white or cream, or color desired.
To fit chest size: 34"
Finished Chest Measurement: 39"
With smaller needles, cast on 80 sts, and work in K1, P1 rib for 13 rows. Increase 4 sts on next row, keeping in rib. Change to larger needles.
Row1: k1 *yo, ssk, k1,k2tog, yo, k6; rep from * to last 6 sts, end yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1.
Row2 (and all other wrong side rows): Purl.
Row3: k2 *yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1, sl next 3 sts to dpn and hold in back, k3, then k3 from dpn, k1; rep from * to last 5 sts, end yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k2.
Row5: Repeat row 1.
Row7: k2 *yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k8; rep from * to last 5 sts, end yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k2.
Row8: purl.
These 8 rows complete Lace Cable pattern. Repeat until piece measures 22 inches. Bind off, decreasing 2 sts evenly across each cable.
Work same as back unitl piece measures 19 inches. Begin neck shaping. Work across first 33 sts, keeping in pattern. Place center 18 sts on a stitch holder. Working each side separately, dec 1 st at neck edge every row 4 times, then every other row 4 times. Work even until piece measures 22 inches (about 4 more rows). Bind off, decreasing 2 sts for each cable across row.
To finish: Sew left shoulder seam. Pick up sts around neck and work in k1, p1 ribbing for 1 inch. Bind off. Sew right shoulder and neck ribbing seam. Pick up sts along armhole edge 9 inches down from each shoulder seam (18" total on each side) and work in k1, p1 rib for 1 inch. Bind off. Sew side seams.
Lace Cable Pullover
Work Back and Front same as for vest. Sew left shoulder seam. Pick up sts around neck, and work in k1, p1 ribbing for 1 inch. Bind off loosely with larger needles.
With smaller needles, cast on 35 sts. Work in k1, p1 ribbing for 13 rows. Increase 20 sts on next row. Change to larger needles, and work as follows: K3, lace cable pattern as established for Back across, ending K3. Inc 1 st each side every 4 rows until there are 85 sts on needle; working new stitches into pattern. Work even until sleeve measures 19 inches, working new sts into pattern. Bind off, decreasing 2 sts each cable across row.
Measure 9 1/2 inches down from each shoulder and place a marker. Sew sleeves between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams. Finish neck same as for vest.
Work Back and Sleeves same as for pullover.
Right Front: Cast on 44 sts with smaller needles. Work in ribbing for 13 rows making buttonhole 2 sts wide on 6th row of ribbing. Inc 3 sts on 14th row of ribbing. Change to larger needles. Set up pattern as follows. Knit 1 st (to be knitted on each row), 6 sts for cable, then work in Lace Cable pattern across. End K1. Place buttonhole 2 sts wide on row 7 of first pattern repeat and then every other pattern repeat -- the center of every other cable will have a buttonhole. Work until piece measures 19 inches. On neck edge, place 13 sts on holder, and decrease 1 st at neck edge every row 4 times, then every other row 4 times. Work until piece measures 22 inches, and bind off, decreasing 2 sts each cable across row.
Left Front:
With smaller needles cast on 44 sts. Work in k1, p1 rib for 13 rows. Increase 5 sts on next row. Set pattern as follows. Knit 1, Work in Lace Cable pattern for 3 repeats, then knit last 6 sts, p1. Work even until piece measures 19 inches. Place 13 sts, neck edge, on holder, and shape neck same as for right front.
Sew shoulder seams. Work across 13 sts on holder from right front, pick up sts around neck, finishing with 13 sts from holder on left front. Work in k1, p1 rib for 1 1/2 inch, placing a buttonhole on 4th row of ribbing. Bind off.
Optional Bind-off: Bind off 1 st, (wrap yarn around right needle as if to knit, then pull stitch on needle over top) three times -- this forms a picot -- bind off 4 sts, then repeat picot, etc. all the way across.