Wickerwork Gloves
©2015 by Judy Lamb
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Size:Women's Small
Materials: Size 3 (U.S.)Circular Knitting needles (3.25 mm) -- 31 inches long or longer for Magic Loop method; 1 skein Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool; tapesty needle; stitch markers; 2 stitch holders; 4 large safety pins.
Gauge: 13 sts/2 inches in stockinette stitch
Wickerwork Pattern:
Round 1: k1, *p2, k2; rep from *, end p2, k1.
Round 2: *k1, p1, RT, LT, p1, k1; rep from *.
Round 3: *k1, p1, k1, p2, k1, p1, k1; rep from *.
Round 4: *k1, RT, p2, LT, k1; rep from *.
Round 5: k2, *p4, k4; rep from *, end p4, k2.
Round 6: knit.
Round 7: rep row 1.
Round 8: *LT, p1, k2, p1, RT; rep from *.
Round 9: p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1; rep from *.
Round 10: *p1, LT, k2, RT, p1; rep from *.
Round 11: p2, *k4, p4; rep from *, end k4, p2.
Round 12: knit.
Cast on 40 sts and join into a round, with 20 sts on each needle. Using the Magic Loop method, work in k1, p1 ribbing for 2 1/2 inches.
Increase round: *Rib 2, M1, (rib 5, M1) 3 times, rib 3 *, place a marker, cast on 1 st for thumb gusset, place marker; rep between *'s once more. (49 sts)
Round 1: Beginning with round 1 of Wickerwork pattern, work pattern to marker, slip marker, k1, slip marker, work to end with round 1 of wickerwork pattern.
Round 2: Work round 2 of wickerwork pattern, slip marker, cast on 1 st, k1, cast on 1 st, slip marker, work to end with round 2 of wickerwork pattern.
Continue in this manner, casting on 1 st just inside each marker for thumb gusset after two more rounds, then every third round until there are 15 sts on thumb gusset.
Work even until glove measures 3 inches from beg of wickerwork pattern.
On next round, place gusset sts on a length of yarn and remove gusset markers. Cast on 1 stitch over gap, and work to end in patt. (Gap stitch will be knit on every row with patt sts on either side). (49 sts)
Work even in patt until patt section measures 3 1/4 inches from top of ribbing.
On next round, knt across 6 sts, place next 19 sts on a st holder, then place next 18 sts on another st holder, cast on 1 st over gap, and knit last 6 sts (13 sts for pinky). Work stockinette stitch in rounds over these 13 sts until pinky measures 2 inches. K2 tog across, knitting last st singly. Break yarn. With tapestry needle, thread end of yarn through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off.
Replace sts from holders back onto needles. Join yarn, patt around sts, picking up 1 st from cast on st at bottom of pinky.
Patt until wickerwork measures 4 1/4 inches from top of ribbing.
Ring Finger: Knit across 6 sts, place next 6 sts on a safety pin, next 7 sts on a safety pin, then 2 more sets of 6 sts on safety pins. Cast on 1 st over gap, and knit last 7 sts. (14 sts)
With stockinette st, work until ring finger measures 2 3/4 inches.
K2 tog around. Break yarn. Finish same as pinky.
Middle Finger: Place sts of middle finger on needles. Join yarn Pick up 1 st from cast on st of ring finger, and cast on 1 st over gap. (14 sts). Work middle finger same as ring finger until it measures 3 1/4 inches. Finish same as other fingers.
Index Finger: Place rem finger sts on needles. Join yarn. Pick up one st from cast on st of middle finger. (14 sts). Work same as other fingers until index finger measures 2 3/4 inches. Finish same as other fingers.
Thumb: Pick up sts of thumb gusset. Pick up 2 sts from cast on st of index finger. (17 sts), and work same as other fingers until thumb measures 2 inches. Finish same as other fingers.
Repeat instructions for 2nd glove.
Weave in all ends.
Size:Women's Small
Materials: Size 3 (U.S.)Circular Knitting needles (3.25 mm) -- 31 inches long or longer for Magic Loop method; 1 skein Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool; tapesty needle; stitch markers; 2 stitch holders; 4 large safety pins.
Gauge: 13 sts/2 inches in stockinette stitch
Wickerwork Pattern:
Round 1: k1, *p2, k2; rep from *, end p2, k1.
Round 2: *k1, p1, RT, LT, p1, k1; rep from *.
Round 3: *k1, p1, k1, p2, k1, p1, k1; rep from *.
Round 4: *k1, RT, p2, LT, k1; rep from *.
Round 5: k2, *p4, k4; rep from *, end p4, k2.
Round 6: knit.
Round 7: rep row 1.
Round 8: *LT, p1, k2, p1, RT; rep from *.
Round 9: p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1; rep from *.
Round 10: *p1, LT, k2, RT, p1; rep from *.
Round 11: p2, *k4, p4; rep from *, end k4, p2.
Round 12: knit.
Cast on 40 sts and join into a round, with 20 sts on each needle. Using the Magic Loop method, work in k1, p1 ribbing for 2 1/2 inches.
Increase round: *Rib 2, M1, (rib 5, M1) 3 times, rib 3 *, place a marker, cast on 1 st for thumb gusset, place marker; rep between *'s once more. (49 sts)
Round 1: Beginning with round 1 of Wickerwork pattern, work pattern to marker, slip marker, k1, slip marker, work to end with round 1 of wickerwork pattern.
Round 2: Work round 2 of wickerwork pattern, slip marker, cast on 1 st, k1, cast on 1 st, slip marker, work to end with round 2 of wickerwork pattern.
Continue in this manner, casting on 1 st just inside each marker for thumb gusset after two more rounds, then every third round until there are 15 sts on thumb gusset.
Work even until glove measures 3 inches from beg of wickerwork pattern.
On next round, place gusset sts on a length of yarn and remove gusset markers. Cast on 1 stitch over gap, and work to end in patt. (Gap stitch will be knit on every row with patt sts on either side). (49 sts)
Work even in patt until patt section measures 3 1/4 inches from top of ribbing.
On next round, knt across 6 sts, place next 19 sts on a st holder, then place next 18 sts on another st holder, cast on 1 st over gap, and knit last 6 sts (13 sts for pinky). Work stockinette stitch in rounds over these 13 sts until pinky measures 2 inches. K2 tog across, knitting last st singly. Break yarn. With tapestry needle, thread end of yarn through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off.
Replace sts from holders back onto needles. Join yarn, patt around sts, picking up 1 st from cast on st at bottom of pinky.
Patt until wickerwork measures 4 1/4 inches from top of ribbing.
Ring Finger: Knit across 6 sts, place next 6 sts on a safety pin, next 7 sts on a safety pin, then 2 more sets of 6 sts on safety pins. Cast on 1 st over gap, and knit last 7 sts. (14 sts)
With stockinette st, work until ring finger measures 2 3/4 inches.
K2 tog around. Break yarn. Finish same as pinky.
Middle Finger: Place sts of middle finger on needles. Join yarn Pick up 1 st from cast on st of ring finger, and cast on 1 st over gap. (14 sts). Work middle finger same as ring finger until it measures 3 1/4 inches. Finish same as other fingers.
Index Finger: Place rem finger sts on needles. Join yarn. Pick up one st from cast on st of middle finger. (14 sts). Work same as other fingers until index finger measures 2 3/4 inches. Finish same as other fingers.
Thumb: Pick up sts of thumb gusset. Pick up 2 sts from cast on st of index finger. (17 sts), and work same as other fingers until thumb measures 2 inches. Finish same as other fingers.
Repeat instructions for 2nd glove.
Weave in all ends.